Good morrow, viewers. Here's a Boring Outfit Post regarding an outfit I'm not sure I actually like.
You cannot tell from this distance, but the trousers have teeny-tiny swans printed all over them! They came my way on Sunday, when the mother and I, arriving in Buxton long before Buxton was awake, managed to visit each of the main street's 8 charity shops before the box office opened at 12.
As a matter of fact, this entire outfit came courtesy of that fruitful morning. (Damn good charity shops in Buxton. Sorry Laura and Liffy, there'll be no point 'doing' them when we're there next weekend; I've already cleaned 'em out. :op ) White t-shirt excepted. I have no idea where that came from - presumably the Mothership, since I certainly do not fritter away my hard-earned cash on sensible staple garments.
So yes, something about this isn't quite right... Maybe it's the shoes. Or the fact that the swan trousers are actually two sizes too big for me. Anyway, I happen to know that these bargainous £3.50 trews were full-price in the loathsome Topshop as recently as May, and have been seen all over the legs of the UK's finest fashun bloggers. Really, I ought to sell them for a small fortune on ebay, shouldn't I? But I kind of like having swan trousers...
Here is the much-more-stylish-than-I
Charlotte from girlnextdoorfashion wearing her swan trousers with aplomb.
Anyhoo, since we're talking of Buxton...
as you may remember me telling you last year, is home to the International Gilbert and Sullivan festival, where amateur and professional performing companies from all over the UK (and sometimes beyond!) converge to bring their hard work to an international audience. Last week I was there as an audience member (
Merrie England jolly good, three cheers Matlock Gilbert & Sullivan Society) but next weekend I shall return, singing and dancing in
Dauntless Theatre's Olympia-themed

We start rehearsals tomorrow night (precisely one week before our first performance!) and it's all terribly thrilling. (I wonder if I can cite extreme excitement as a valid excuse for not knowing the music?!?) Last year's mental week of rehearsals was one of the most enjoyable and exhilerating experiences I've had on-the-stage, and while I'm not necessarily looking forward to the twelve-hour days we've got coming up (WHEN am I going to get a square meal??), I can't quite believe it's come round again! YEAH MAN.
P.S. Those of my readers who have the great good fortune to live in the North East - Friday 10th August, the Priestman Hall in Roker, Sunderland, five measly pounds. Go on go on go on!