Saturday 14 July 2012

Bette with a fringe on top

Good morning viewers! 

The summer holidays are nearly upon us (HOW did that happen?!) and the end-of-the-year celebration events have already begun.  I type this nursing a slightly fuzzy head after last night's staff party, but these photographs were taken on Thursday, after my fellow LSA chums and I stole out of work early to gossip over coffee and cake.

(For variation, a slightly different view of my slug-infested wilderness of a garden!)

For the first time in a fortnight, it WASN'T raining, so I celebrated with a slice of chocolate and amaretto torte almost as big as my head.  The girls said I wouldn't be able to finish it, but I bloody well did!  (It cost me three quid, there was no way I was leaving any for Miss Manners!)

Then I bicycled into town and got myself a fringe.  Do you like?  It keeps tickling me!

(Practising reposing for the hols)

There is nothing very interesting about this combination of clothes, but for some reason I really like the look.  Dress-related fact:  Princess Eugenie has the same one.

What the hell, let's make this a Boring Outfit Post BOGOF.  Here's a quick snap of me ready to go out last night.

Pay no attention to the mess.  That's my tights box overflowing as usual!


  1. I like the fringe!

    My tights box overflowed so much that I had to upgrade to a bigger tights box. It's really mysterious cause I'm sure I throw away more pairs of tights than I buy pairs of tights!


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