I like bright colours, but in Monday's outfit I felt a bit clownish, a bit childish. (Not helped by the fact I was wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt under my sleeveless dress. Essential for warmth in my chilly school, but a tricky look to pull off - very easy to miss the mark and look like a kiddie in a pinafore.)
On Tuesday morning, then, as usual gazing blankly at my vast wardrobe, wrapped in my towel, whilst declaring "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!", I found myself pulling this black dress from its hanger. I seldom wear it - in fact, I can't remember the last time I did - but this time something told me to dress like a grown-up for once!
Grown-ups can wear blue tights, right??
(Pardon the face. No point putting lipstick on before breakfast!)
This dress and I began our acquaintance in the summer of 2008, when I had a) a student loan burning a hole in my pocket, b) lots of time on my hands, and c) two gorgeous, fashion-plate flatmates, beside whom I felt like a fugly frump. Between us, we spent a lot of time and money in Topshop!
(Funny how things change - I can't bear to go into Topshop these days. I think it eats my soul.)
I bought this frock the morning that Heather and Natasha and I got our degree results, (I was actually buying it at the exact moment when my anxious mum phoned me - "Yeah,IgotaFirst,I'llringyoubackin5mins,bye.") and wore it for that night's celebratory night out. (Which I remember as one of the boringest nights out we had, but that wasn't the dress' fault.)
I am the dimwit with the upside-down hood.
End of reminiscing. I'm going out for pizza tonight, and I'm going to wear Monday's blue dress again (miraculously, it survived a day in Key Stage One without getting smeared with either play-doh OR snot!), and maybe try and style it a little better this time!
(P.S. Dress' fault? Dress's fault? Dresses' fault? I neither care nor know.)