For the past couple of weeks I've been sporting Models Own Juicy Jules, a mega-glittery shade that, let me tell you, goes down a STORM with the under-5s. I think they think I'm some sort of fairy. Anyway, it's pretty but a total beeyatch to remove. I'm pretty sure the main ingredient is Superglue. There are two known ways to take off Juicy Jules; either by compulsively picking at it during moments of boredom or nervousness (one reason I needed it to disappear today - I've got an audition tonight and it wouldn't do to be scraping off the remains of my manicure during!) OR by the very useful method invented by Gem Fatale, which I am demonstrating below.
I think I resemble some sort of creepy alien from Dr Who that might make Kayleigh hide behind a cushion. Without my make-up on I DO look a bit like a minotaur, it's true.
What you have to do is cut a small piece of cotton wool, dip it in nail varnish remover, attach it to your nail with a strip of kitchen foil (I used Sellotape, because money (or, for that matter, kitchen foil) doesn't grow on trees y'know), sit and wait for ten minutes, then un-tape and simply wipe away any remaining sparkles. I daresay soaking your fingertips in nail varnish remover isn't very good for your health, but one has to make sacrifices for the sake of glamour, doesn't one?
*Sigh* I thought writing a toast post (about nail varnish remover of all things. How low have I sunk!) might count as achieving something today, but it clearly does not. Ah well.
I'm famous again!!!