Wednesday 23 March 2011


ME:  What are you going to do this weekend?
SMALL GIRL:  Play on my Wii.
ME:  Mint! Can I come and play?
SMALL GIRL:  No, Miss Hamer. You're too old.

Good evening, world.

Following last week's dramatic novel of a toast post, I haven't got any more words in my head or entertaining stories to tell, so I'm going to show you some snapshots of my glamorous showbiz life.  Well, actually, just two snapshots of my glamorous showbiz life, and then a couple of mundane 'things right now' pictures to fill up some space.

I might potentially be getting chucked out by the Easter holidays, but in any case, my job is brilliant.  Last Friday some of the teachers and I took to the stage in the name of Red Nose Day to perform a Bollywood dance routine and make the school talent show end with a bang:

 (Please note, I am not wearing a pasty white camisole, that is my actual SKIN.)
Blatantly not doing the right moves there, Hamer!
I went a bit power-crazy with my new-found (non-existant) Pixlr skills and smudged out people's faces in case they didn't appreciate the publicity!

I enjoy Boots' cunning advertising scheme - manly, no-nonsense grooming for Simon, and make-up and floral motifs for me.

My costume for next week's dance show!  (Shoes not included, thankfully.  I know it's meant for fancy dress rather than realistic 1920s re-enacting, but high-heeled flip-flops, really?!)

Now I'm off for a shower to wash away eau de tap-dancing and then I can try that baby on!  Woo!  Then to bed, 'cos EXHAUSTIPATED.


  1. I love your little snippets of conversation, they always make me laugh x

  2. :oD That's the best kind of blog comment I could ask for! Thank you! xxxxxxx

  3. the dress is really cool..


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