Hello readers! It is peeing it down outside, and I'm supposed to be working (No, not school on a Sunday - this is my
other job. I moonlight as an audio typist. I take dictation, isn't that charmingly retro?)
This is obviously what I look like when I'm typing focus groups. |
The end of term draws near, and I have been stretching the definition of 'workwear' to extreme lengths.
Denim skirt, with tights deemed by Simon to be "ridiculous", but what does he know, eh readers?
Top - charity shop, Skirt - Oasis, Tights - Primark, Shoes - Primark, Corsage - hair flower from Accessorize
That evening was our staff party, and I fancied curly hair, so I tried to do a Cheat One hot set, by setting-lotion-ing and then straightening each section of hair and then quickly rolling the warm hair up into a fat pincurl and leaving it to set for a couple of hours. I put some curlers in to make myself a nice big fat rockabilly fringe, too.
I forgot that my hair is crap and will only take a curl from a full-on, dried-in-for-a-billion-years, don't-even-think-about-going-out-in-the-wind wet set, so what I actually ended up with was a sort of pageboy, which I actually really liked. Well, I liked this view of it. I'm not showing you the other side, where I had to resort to sculptural curls and a massive flower to hide the crap bits.
Face: Posietint cheeks, Highbeam highlights, Cherries in the Snow lips and Eyelure lashes.
My frock is from Primark, and I promise my bra wasn't that visible all the time! I didn't take a Boring Outfit snap because I had changed said outfit thirty times and then fannied on with my stupid fail fringe for a hundred years. Nonetheless, I had a totally marvellous evening. Here is a crappy phone photo.
As you can see, my fringe fell apart! |
1. Decide upon ordering a pitcher of 'Jerry's Iced Tea' (gin, vodka, Sailor Jerry's, Cointreau, coke)
2. Think "Hmm, this looks a bit strong, maybe we'll ask to have it without the vodka."
3. When asked "Would you like extra gin to replace the vodka?", answer with a resounding yes.
4. Bottoms up!
Ashleigh and I suffered for our creativity the morning after we invented Ashabeths, and decided we weren't going to be so clever at this party, but obviously we did, AND we fell for the old "Do you want extra gin?" line again. Strangely, this batch of Ashabeth didn't seem as potent, so we lived to tell the tale!
Anyway, back onto faces, after having peeled off the false eyelashes, wiped off several layers of foundation and roughly scrubbed off the Lipcote, on Saturday I didn't feel like wearing much make-up.
As an experiment, because sometimes I forget what I look like beneath the paint, I decided to give myself a 'natural' look. Concealer, Dandelion powder, Posietint lips, just a tidgy bit of eyeliner with no wings, mascara and (gasp) a very light hand with my eyebrow pencil, without exaggerating the arch or extending the line.
S'alright, I suppose. I prefer my painted floozy face, though!
Monsoon season started on Saturday, so for my quick run to Morrisons to buy eggs and butter to make biscuits (no you can't have any, they're for teachers only), I wore this:
I look skinny! Bosh! |
Coat - Primark, Top - Oasis, Jeans - Peacocks, Wellies - Amazon, of all places, Beret - present from Matt and Ruth one time when they got fed up of me whingeing about losing my first white beret!
Back to typing, I suppose. Can't beeeee bovvered!